Karpou 29 N. Kosmos 11631 Athens
Δευ-Παρ 8:30-18:00, Σαβ 8:30-14:00

Clutch kit

Clutch kit SACHS for SMART CROSSBLADE (450) 0.6 (450.418) (2002 - 2003) 71hp M 160.920

310.00 €
Suspensions, springs and clutch kits trader
Karpou 29 11631 Neos Kosmos, Athens, Greece
2109017389 - 2109016907 info@rellasamortiser.gr Rellas EPE Logo Rellas EPE Banner Image

The specific Sachs Clutch Kit includes the Clutch Disk, the Clutch pressure Plate, the Flywheel and the Bearing.

Today, the service life of individual clutch components is almost identical. The SACHS clutch kit takes this into account by providing all relevant components that are required for clutch replacement, namely clutch pressure plate, clutch disk, and release bearing.

Same day dispatch to any Greek shipping address [shipping cost (applicable only for Greece): 5€]. One (1) year guarantee provided by the manufacturer.

  • Specialisation
  • Certification
  • Flexibility



Karpou 29, Neos Kosmos, Athens 116 31
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